
Pledge to #ShareMyCheck


Many others are forced to work at great personal risk without appropriate protections, compensation, or healthcare. This money from the government will not be enough to sustain many who will be receiving the checks.


The stimulus bill leaves out people who are undocumented, incarcerated, or who do not have social security numbers, bank accounts, or home addresses.



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Peer-to-peer community support meeting people's immediate needs for food, safety, wellness, and health.


Organizations doing long-term organizing and power-building for lasting system-wide changes for the benefit of their communities.


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M4BL is mapping Black led mutual aid efforts, providing direct support to Black led organizations and providing a virtual space for their people at this time. Donate here.


National Bail Out #FreeBlackMamas

The #FreeBlackMamas campaign is raising funds to bail out Black mothers and caregivers from now until Mother’s Day in response to COVID-19. Donate here.


Your Local Mutual Aid Fund

People are rising to meet this crisis. Mutual aid networks are blooming all around us. If you need help finding one in your community, check out this list we’ve compiled by state, or get in touch with your local Resource Generation chapter.


Center for Popular Democracy

CPD needs to raise $200,000 to expand their innovative digital organizing. This small, one-time investment will have lasting returns in their efforts to pivot grassroots and electoral organizing from the field to virtual environments.  节点加速器


CPD Network Affiliates COVID-19 Emergency Needs

CPD gathered a list of emergency fundraising needs from their network of 42 local affiliate organizations representing 28 states. Find an org here.


Your Local Grassroots Org

Movements are coming together to build power and create lasting structural change in the face of this crisis. Give to one of the participating organizations below or connect with your local Resource Generation chapter.




In addition to signing this pledge yourself, we invite you to share the pledge with at least 5 others in your community. Use it a conversation starter with friends and family on the importance of redistribution right now and always.

Share a story of why you’re pledging to share your check and where you’re donating it on social media and tag it #ShareMyCheck. We’ll be featuring powerful redistribution stories in the weeks to come.

Sample Post

I’m pledging to #ShareMyCheck with Cosecha. I am able to work from home during this crisis, while many undocumented people have lost their jobs AND won't be eligible for a stimulus check. Redistributing my check is the least I can do.

Will you join me? sharemycheck.org


Listen to Yahya Alazrak (Campaign Director at Resource Generation) and Dara Marquez (volunteer field organizer with Movimiento Cosecha) speak about the #ShareMyCheck campaign on the Irresistible podcast.

And check out and share the demands for a #PeoplesBailout and M4BL's National Policy demands in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Links to listen, resources, and transcripts available on the Irresistible website.


  • 350 Seattle

    350 Seattle focuses on climate justice, and has been pivoting towards a mutual aid/neighborhood pod model in the face of COVID-19.

  • ActionAid USA

    ActionAid is supporting community-led response to the coronavirus pandemic around the world, including Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, India, Kenya, Liberia, Palestine, Senegal, Thailand, and Vanuatu.

  • American Friends Service Committee, Colorado

  • Asset to the Resistance

    Asset to the Resistance challenges the capitalist system through education about money.

  • Avodah

  • American Friends Service Committee, Colorado

  • Bay Area Community Food Distribution Network

    We are networking various food distribution and mutual aid projects in the Bay Area in order to work together to take care of our communities.

  • 节点加速器

    Our Solidarity Fund for COVID-19 Organizing supports vital grassroots community organizing for racial, social, and economic justice in the Philadelphia region.

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    In response to the COVID-19 crisis, BCBF is raising emergency funds to free the most vulnerable immigrants from ICE detention, and provide urgently needed post-release support including access to medical care, food, and transportation.

  • 雷神加速器节点

    CAIR Oklahoma is a grassroots civil rights advocacy organization serving Oklahoma in distributing valuable information on local COVID resources while continuing to protect the civil liberties of Oklahomans through this crisis.

  • Casa de Salud

    Casa de Salud re-imagines healthcare and healing for marginalized communities in New Mexico -- integrating culturally humble anti-racist primary care healthcare with traditional healing and eastern medicine; providing syringe exchange and harm reduction based treatment for addictions; serving immigrant and undocumented families and queer/trans folks; and working to build power with our community, for collective wellness and liberation.

  • Causa Justa :: Just Cause

    Causa Justa :: Just Cause is a grassroots base-building organization that builds the power and leadership and focuses on the safety and health of working-class Black, Latinx, and immigrant communities in the Bay Area to fight for housing rights, immigrant rights, and anti-criminalization efforts.

  • 节点加速器

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  • The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health

    The CSPH provides consent based, medically accurate, LGBTQQIA+ affirming, and pleasure guided sexuality education, therapy, and professional training. We provide the care and sex education you deserve.

  • Chinook Fund

    Founded in 1987, Chinook Fund is a community foundation that supports grassroots organizations working on issues of social and economic justice; by pooling our collective resources, we seed groups making a positive, systemic impact to improve the quality of life for all Coloradans.

  • Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC

    The Cooperative Economics Alliance of New York City (CEANYC) strengthens and expands community-led, democratically-controlled initiatives — from worker, financial and consumer co-ops to community land trusts and gardens, mutual housing, and low-income housing co-ops. Pledge to donate here.

  • Cosecha

    Movimiento Cosecha is raising money through a pledge campaign, as well as a direct fund, to assist undocumented and mixed-status families during this time, millions of whom are facing layoffs, unsafe working conditions, while not recieving health care, unemployment benefits and no support from the recent stimulus package.

  • COVID Bailout NYC

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  • Essex County Community Organization (ECCO)

    ECCO organizes communities of faith on Massachusetts' North Shore across race and class to put human dignity at the center of public life. We are directing all funds from the #ShareMyCheck campaign to the members of our communities hit hardest by COVID-19 - families who are undocumented, unemployed, or otherwise severely impacted and unable to make ends meet in these months.

  • Fair World Project

  • Front Range Mutual Aid Network

  • Fund for Democratic Communities

  • GAIA

    GAIA’s Emergency Solidarity Fund is covering the costs of much-needed food aid, medical care, masks, and sanitizers for essential recycling workers and community organizers who are fighting for clean air and zero waste in their communities, as well as providing small amounts of money for education and organizing campaigns that aim to reduce pollution in heavily impacted communities.

  • Gill Tract Farm Coalition

    The Gill Tract Community Farm is launching a campaign to raise $61,000 to dramatically increase the Gill Tract’s capacity to be resilient in response to climate, public health, and socioeconomic crises like COVID-19; your donation will go directly towards our mutual aid efforts in increasing food and medicinal herb production, enhancing our food aggregation and distribution work, and supporting staff in focusing on these efforts.

  • GSO Mutual Aid Network

    GSO Mutual Aid aims at being a hub to connect residents of Greensboro to resources needed as COVID-19/Corona Virus/Rona sweeps through our neighborhoods, and the world over. To support GSO residents who are experiencing layoffs you can contribute to the virtual tip jar, or seek support here: 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器

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    使用游戏加速器后延迟还是高怎么回事?-斧牛加速器:2021-12-3 · 有玩家反馈用了加速器之后,游戏延迟还是高。这是怎么回事呢?其实游戏加速器只是网络连接中的一环,如果网络连接中的其他环除了问题,使用加速器仍然是降低不下来延迟的。下面小编就为大家讲一讲是怎么回事吧。

  • Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice

    We're supporting our partners to provide immediate needs, deepening relationships and community power as we build toward the cultural shift we need, and focusing on anti-racist organizing for policy changes to benefit our community.

  • Irresistible

    Irresistible is supporting the deeper needs of frontline organizers during this extra-stressful time through weekly virtual Care Circles and in-depth resilience resources on our podcast. Donate here.

  • Jobs With Justice

  • Keep Prescott Together

    Keep Prescott Together is committed to empowering the Latinx community of Yavapai County, AZ by assisting with immigration legal processes, connecting people to services, and creating lasting change on a local level by amplifying our community’s voice. We have a fund for redistributed stimulus money directly to undocumented and mixed-status families.

  • Lussier Community Education Center

    The Lussier Community Education Center on the west side of Madison, Wisconsin, is reorganizing staff/volunteer efforts to make sure that neighbors have essential food and supplies, that kids have fun and challenging activities, and that families hear regularly from someone who cares and can connect them to additional resources.

  • Kavod

    Kavod is a community led by young Jews in Greater Boston, committed to each other and to building a liberated world for all people. We live out our values through vibrant Jewish ritual, transformative social justice organizing, and collective responsibility.

  • Liberation in a Generation

  • Make the Road New York

    Make the Road NY organizes alongside some of the hardest hit communities in New York, including in the epicenter of the crisis in Queens. Through their Emergency Response Fund they will provide direct cash assistance to immigrant and working-class New Yorkers who have been left out of federal aid, and will organize for policy solutions to address the massive inequalities that have made these communities most vulnerable to this crisis.

  • Metro Atlanta Mutual Aid Fund (MAMA Fund)

    A mutual aid fund to support marginalized communities impacted by COVID-19. We fund Black, Indigenous, and other peoples of color that have endured hardship during the COVID19 pandemic.

  • Met Council on Housing

    We organize the tenants of NY to solve problems at their building level, city level, and at the state level.

  • Minority Veterans of America, Inc.

    The Minority Veterans of America (MVA) creates belonging and advances equity for underserved and marginalized members of our nation's veteran community through education, advocacy, and intersectional community.

  • 能加速韩国节点的加速器

    Montana Women Vote organizes with and alongside low-income women as informed voters, policy advocates, and community leaders. We believe that civic action, policy change, and leadership development can together shift the balance of power and improve the lives of women and families experiencing poverty.

  • Movement Voter Project

  • Movement for Justice in El Barrio

    Movimiento's COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Immigrants in El Barrio was created to offer mutual aid support to East Harlem during this global health crisis.

  • Nationalities Service Center

    100% of donations to the Nationalities Service Center's We Are In This Together Fund will go directly to immigrants and refugees in need of emergency support.

  • 节点加速器

    请问nat是不是一定要开放才是最好的?我试了四个加速器 ...:2021-12-26 · 请问nat是不是一定要开放才是最好的?我试了四个加速器 只有uu模式4稳定开放 8lag 奇游 迅游 uu 路由器网件的, nat也设成开放。 不过设不设都跟游戏里没啥关系的亚子 电信, 感觉最近匹人好慢,什么模式都没人 究竟是拨号的模式好?, 还是针对进程的模式(4)比较好

  • New Synagogue Project

  • NorCal Resist

    NorCal Resist is a grassroots organization supporting undocumented and asylum seeking families who have lost work due to COVID-19 in Sacramento and the rural areas of Northern California.

  • Northwest Workers' Justice Project

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    The NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives aims to raise $150,000 in emergency funds for immigrant worker-owners who power the NYC worker cooperative movement, are impacted quickest and hardest by COVID-19, yet are unable to receive government relief programs. Up to $5,000 of contributions before May Day will be matched by a generous donor.

  • OneForest Foundation

    We offer environmental education where it is needed most, in a rural rainforest town, and payment for ecobrick program for families in need and oceans around the globe.

  • Out in the Open

    Out in the Open's staff and board are 100% rural and small-town queer folks with intersecting identities. We're committed to continuing and expanding our work to connect rural LGBTQ people to build community, visibility, knowledge & power during this crisis.

  • Permaculture Action Network

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  • Philadelphia Bail Fund

    Philadelphia Bail Fund's goal is to keep families and communities together and vigorously advocate for the end to cash bail in Philadelphia.

  • PHL COVID-19 Fund

    The PHL COVID-19 Fund provides grants to nonprofits throughout the Greater Philadelphia region that have a demonstrated track record of serving those most at-risk during this crisis, such as seniors, people with disabilities, and those who are experiencing homeless or who are economically disadvantaged.

  • Power Shift Network

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    Resist is a foundation that supports people's movements for justice and liberation. We redistribute resources back to frontline communities at the forefront of change while amplifying their stories of building a better world.

  • Sanctuary DMV

    Sanctuary DMV and 5 local grassroots organizations are partnering to redistribute federal stimulus funds to undocumented and other folx in the DC metro area, who are ineligible to receive any stimulus benefits due to their immigration status.

  • 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器

    Shareable is a nonprofit media outlet, action network, and consultancy promoting people-powered solutions for the common good.

  • 能加速韩国节点的加速器

    As a community of donor organizers mobilizing critical resources to the frontlines of social justice movements, Solidaire Network is committed to collaborating with Resource Generation in such efforts to redistribute resources and power to grassroots organizers and their communities.

  • Somali Parents Education Board (SPEB)

    Transforming the way we partner and build capacity to affect systems change

  • South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC)

    The South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC) is grassroots organization that creates communities of compassion among people of different faiths and cultures through service, education and celebration while providing valuable COVID support programs free of charge to people throughout Southern California.

  • South Philly Food Co-op

  • 加速器排行|哒哒加速器有病毒?软件有哪些新特征_234游戏网:2021-6-11 · 在玩各种游戏的时候使用加速器已经成为当下很多玩家一致的选择,在挑选加速器时,现在一款专业优质的加速器是非常必要的,哒哒加速器是当下一款大爱受玩家喜爱的优质服务的加速工具,这款工具可伍帮助用户选择自己想要的节点,而且可伍方便玩家尽情的投入到游戏中,它是一种非常简单 ...

    SOCM is a member-driven organization that utilizes civic involvement and collective action to empower Tennesseans to have a greater voice in determining their future, and to work for social, economic, and environmental justice for all.

  • STL Mutual Aid

  • Sunrise Movement

    Sunrise Movement is working for a holistic economic recovery plan that addresses the coronavirus and climate crises together.

  • SURJ Bay Area

    Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice, with passion and accountability.

  • SURJ Ohio

    Showing Up for Racial Justice Ohio and alumni of the Ohio Anne Braden Program have created Social Justice Stimulus Ohio, a Ohio-based pledge to encourage the redistribution of white wealth to grassroots organizations that are lead by people of color and poor and working class people.


    SURJ NYC is a local chapter of a national network organizing white people for racial justice.

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  • Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network

    The CNY COVID-19 Support For Undocumented Neighbors supports undocumented workers and their families in the Central New York region and is an act of solidarity, not charity, with our neighbors who do ESSENTIAL work for our communities but are intentionally excluded from government protection and relief efforts.

  • The Theater Offensive

    The Theater Offensive's The Fierce Urgency of Now campaign is responding directly to COVID-19 with relief funds for queer and trans POC artists and youth in our community in Boston, and a free virtual QTPOC theater festival in June that will provide paid work and creative connection to artists in our community at a time when the first wave of relief funds will have run their course.

  • Third Wave Fund

  • United for a Fair Economy

    United for a Fair Economy challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide and tears communities apart. We use popular economics education, trainings, and creative communications to support social movements working for a resilient, sustainable and equitable economy.

  • United Ways of California

    Monies raised will help families impacted by quarantine, disruption of income, and other challenges, while ensuring the equitable distribution of philanthropic resources through coordinated community relief efforts.

  • Uprooted & Rising

    失落的方舟能搬砖么_失落的方舟能搬砖么啊_3DM网游:2021-5-28 · 能。伐木:伐木能获得的最大收入是觉醒药剂、篝火、信号弹、白金币换取的45%的药。这些是白金本里可伍获得的材料折合这些东西卖成金币可伍获得700金币左右。详细答案:

  • U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives

    The United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC) is the national grassroots membership organization, which advances worker-owned, -managed, and -governed workplaces through cooperative education, advocacy and development.

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  • Willows Solidarity Center

  • Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective

    Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective is a horizontal, grassroots, human rights organization with the mission of changing destructive US policies and working in solidarity with grassroots organizers across the hemisphere for peace, justice, and sustainable economies in Latin America.

  • Women for Political Change (WFPC)

  • Working Families Party

  • 节点加速器

    Youth Passageways regenerates healthy passages into mature adulthood for today's young people.

Is your org interested in participating? Check out our info for organizations.